Legendary Panama Hat

Did you know that the "Panama" hat actually originated centuries ago in Ecuador, even before Columbus arrived in South America? Then in the 1900's, the hand-woven Ecuadorian straw hats were sent to Panama Workers on the Panama Canal project to serve as protection from the hot sun. Travelers and merchants then began purchasing the hats at Panamanian ports and the misnomer "Panama" hats began to make their way across the globe. Today, the legendary hats continue to be Hand-woven in Ecuador!

Picking a Panama Hat!
  • Our Story

    We're a family of Panama hat makers and dream makers with a legacy built on Classic ideas and foolish pursuits in order to move people forward. We believe in encouraging people to be seen and heard becasuse everyone deserves to matter.

  • Craftmanship

    Discover the authentic origin of the Panama Hat, which has always been crafted in Ecuador. Meticulously handwoven using the finest straw derived from the toquilla palm leaf.

  • Blog

    Our passion is to make our guests look great and feel amazing!! In this blog you can see our guest wearing some of our most iconic hats!!

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